Bearded Dragon Breeding – The Complete Guide and What You’ll Need

In this post we’ll cover everything related to bearded dragon breeding! From the bearded dragon breeding season, to how to breed bearded dragons. This complete guide has everything you need to start breeding bearded dragons!

Bearded Dragon Breeding

Bearded dragons are easy to care for, super friendly and fun to have around. 

Because of this, many owners want to breed their dragons. But before you do, let’s look at what you need to know about bearded dragon breeding. 


Bearded Dragon Breeding Background

Breeding bearded dragons is surprisingly easy. They mate often and produce quite a lot of babies. This means that if you are wanting to breed bearded dragons, you should be prepared for the arrival of lots of baby bearded dragons! 

When is bearded dragon mating season?

In the wild, bearded dragons normally mate around spring. However, when beardies are in captivity they can breed all year round! So be careful about mixing males and females together unless they are healthy and strong enough for breeding.

These dragon’s go at it like rabbits!

Male and female bearded dragons should only mix for the short time they are breeding. It is recommended that you breed them in spring to follow their natural cycle. 


How many babies do bearded dragons have?

A female bearded dragon can lay up to four clutches of eggs from just one copulation. In each clutch, there are twenty to thirty eggs. This is a lot of baby bearded dragons!

All these babies have big mouths that need feeding! When they arrive they are going to need a lot of crickets and a lot of your time. 


Bearded Dragon Breeding

What You Need to Breed Bearded Dragons

If you are looking at breeding bearded dragons, you must have a decent amount of savings or a large, steady income. If you decide to breed your beardies, there are going to be a lot of babies coming your way and therefore you need enough money to buy the food, enclosures, and substrate. 

You will need an incubator for the eggs. You can make one yourself or buy one that is specifically for reptile eggs. You can get one from Amazon for $142.99. You will also need substrate that is for eggs. A lot of breeders use HatchRite as it is easy to use and great for most reptile eggs. The HacthRite substrate is on Amazon for $27.25

You will need to have enough enclosures for all the babies. When the hatchlings are young you can keep them in groups of five. Any more than that will cause issues. 

A lay box is also needed in your female’s enclosure. This is a plastic container with substrate, a lid, and ventilation. You can use a range of substrate, such as soil or moss.


When can I breed my bearded dragons?

When choosing to breed beardies, you must make sure that they are both healthy enough to breed and that they can breed together to create strong and healthy babies. 

Bearded dragons reach sexual maturity between the ages of one and two. Female bearded dragons might start laying eggs even without a mate, once she has reached sexual maturity. These eggs will not be fertilized, so won’t produce any baby beardies. The female should be at least two years old to breed and should weigh at least 350 grams. 

It is important to take both your bearded dragons to the vets if you are wanting to breed them. The vet will check their weight, age, and make sure they are the correct sex. Bearded dragons are notoriously hard to sex so the vet will do this for you! The vet will also check the general health of your bearded dragons.


Bearded Dragon Breeding


It is important to know about the morphs of your bearded dragons. Some don’t breed well together and their babies might be weak or ill. When wanting to breed two bearded dragons, make sure their genetics and lineage will ensure healthy babies. 

Before you start breeding you must supplement your female bearded dragon’s food with calcium and vitamin D supplements. Start this at least two weeks before the breeding occurs to make sure she is strong, healthy and happy. 

Once all this is done you are nearly ready to start the bearded dragon breeding process!


Bearded Dragon Breeding

Will I need a new habitat just for breeding?

It is advised to have a terrarium that is just for the breeding process.

This means that there will not be the territorial issues if you put the female straight into the male’s enclosure, or vice versa. This will lessen the risk of serious fighting between your two beardies!

This tank must be around 100 gallons and have enough space for them to hide out from each other. Lots of branches and rocks are great, and a basking light for them to relax under!    


How to Breed Bearded Dragons

After doing the research you need, buying all the items, and having a trip to the vets, you are reading to breed your bearded dragons!

Let’s go through the process of bearded dragon breeding so you know exactly how long it will take and what you need to do. 

Bearded Dragon Breeding


1. Brumation

Your bearded dragons don’t need to brumate in order to mate, but doing so allows them to build their energy up for the breeding process and keeps in line with their natural cycle.

Brumation is similar to hibernation and your bearded dragons might naturally begin to brumate in the fall. When they are doing so they will eat less and their habitat’s temperature should be reduced to 80℉. You should also reduce their light to only ten hours a day. 

When the spring comes, they will wake up and be ready for mating!

Below is a video on brumation for those of you who want to know a bit more.


2. Introduce the Male and Female

Introduce your bearded dragons to each other in the mating enclosure. When your male wants to mate, he will approach the female whilst bobbing his head. She will respond by also bobbing her head. 

Bearded dragon copulation can seem violent as the male chases the female and bites at her. The actual mating process will only take a few minutes. 

You must keep watch over your bearded dragons when they are in the same enclosure. If there seems any sign of aggression that is not part of the breeding process, remove the lizards from each other immediately. 


Bearded Dragon Breeding


3. Monitor the Female

After copulation has occurred, move both beardies back into their own enclosures. Make sure that the female has a lay box in hers. 

You must take good care of the pregnant female lizard and make sure she is healthy! Growing babies is a big task, so she will need a lot of calcium. Provide this by giving her a calcium-rich diet and keeping her on the supplements. 

When the eggs are growing inside your female beardie, natural light will help her stay strong and give her the vitamins she needs to grow her babies. 


4. Bearded Dragon Eggs!

Eggs normally arrive 4 to 6 weeks after copulation. Beardies make a big fuss when they are about to lay the eggs, so you normally can tell when they’re coming! Your female will become very restless, running around her vivarium and digging about. She might go off her food. 


You might want to gently show your bearded dragon the lay box. She might reject it as a place to lay. If she does, put a new one in the enclosure with a different substrate.

If your bearded dragon does not think there is a suitable place for her to lay her eggs, she will hold onto them. This can cause serious health problems.

If the laying process isn’t going well, take your bearded dragon to the vet immediately! 


Bearded Dragon Breeding

5. Incubation

When the eggs have been released from the female, gently take them from the lay box and put them in your incubator. Keep them in the same position that they were found in, with the top facing up. 

Avoid handling the eggs, only doing so when absolutely necessary. 

The temperature of the incubator should be 82℉ to 86℉ degrees. Do not allow the temperature to get any hotter or cooler.

Make sure the humidity is high but check the incubator for mould. 

Keep an eye out on your eggs and they will begin to hatch in 60-70 days! 


6. Baby Bearded Dragons!

When the hatchlings emerge, leave them in the incubator for the first day. This means that they can fully get out of their shell and adjust to the world around them! 

Then, place the babies in a new enclosure. You can keep five baby beardies in the same enclosure as long as they are around the same size. The tank must be around 20 gallons. Line the enclosure with paper towels and provide them with plenty of food. 




Bearded dragons are amazing lizards to keep as a pet, and watching new ones emerge from eggs is an incredible experience! 

Now you know what you need and what you need to do if you are interested in bearded dragon breeding. 

Good luck and make sure you take some cute photos of the babies!

Want to hear some crazy things about bearded dragons? Check out 20 Jaw-Dropping Bearded Dragon Facts!